Tuesday, 19 October 2010

How To Lose Weight Fast - 7 Unusual Weight Loss Tips

For decades, hundreds of fast weight loss tips have been given to prospects with fat loss aspirations. Some have worked wonders while others initially worked but failed for whatever reason.

If you search the web trying to find out ways on how to lose weight fast, a big chunk consists of traditional methods. They are most definitely the ones that have been shown to work more often than not. Typical fast weight loss tips include drinking lots of water, eating fiber-rich food, and exercising regularly.

Besides these conventional quick weight loss tips are some that are quite unusual. In other words, they are not known to most but exhibit to be effective when tried.

Here are 7 little-known but effective rapid weight loss secrets:

1. Set modest goals first. 

You won’t be able to discover how to lose weight fast if you get ahead of yourself too much. If you are of good health, it’s impossible to lose 50 pounds in a week or 3 inches of your huge waistline in a month. When observing proper diet and regular exercise, an average of 1-2 pounds a week is an excellent starting goal.

2. “Broadcast” your quick weight loss aspirations. 

Telling everyone that you’re on a fast weight loss diet will help you more than expected. Most people favor "keeping mum" about losing weight due to the fear of public humiliation if they fail. Instead, use the fear of failing to keep you motivated to lose all that weight you publicly guaranteed you would.

3. Never ever skip meals.

Unfortunately, many people practice this regularly. But anyone routinely doing this clearly does not know the best way to lose weight fast. You should never think of skipping meals because you will be risking the possibility of overeating during the next meal and adversely affect your metabolism. Thus, it is more advisable to eat meals more frequently - in smaller amounts.

4. Eat only when you are hungry. 

It is quite easy to differentiate a want from a need. Having said that, you might eat something purely because of want. Perhaps you may tend to eat certain mouth-watering goodies such as pastries and chips despite just finishing a heavy lunch. The wiser thing to do is other things that will help distract your attention away from food, such as catching up with a friend or loved one and hitting the movies. Quick weight loss is definitely more achievable this way.

5. Purchase a digital weighing scale. 

This logs more accurate data compared to non-digital weighing scales. Inaccuracies in monitoring how fast your weight loss is will heavily mislead you. You won't know exactly how much weight you have lost already and how much you need to lose to get where you are going. Having a body-fat percentage reader on your scale will make this whole process even better!

6. Watch weight loss reality shows. 

Seeing what type of bodies the shows’ contestants have, especially during the early part of a season will probably be enough to challenge and motivate you. Also, the efforts and results these so-called "fat people" have attained in their quest to lose weight fast can help inspire you into thinking that anything is possible... ...it is!

7. Treat yourself. 

After days of “strict” dieting, you might feel like snacking on your favourite junk food. Although this isn't entirely recommended - so long as you make sure that you eat only a small portion there shouldn't be a problem. Just don't make it a habit, then you'll be losing weight fast!

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